Compost tea concoctions for your organic garden

Compost tea concoctions for your organic garden

Once you start organic gardening, it becomes addicting. Gardeners everywhere love to tinker with their soil amendments, watering schedules and more to achieve the most perfect tomatoes, the juiciest berries or the happiest watermelons. There are so many organic soil amendments out there that it’s fun to try them all to see which produces the best results. Here are a few tried and true soil amendments that could drastically improve your harvest.

COMPOST TEA: If you’ve dabbled in organic gardening at all, you’ve probably heard the phrase “compost tea” more than once. The question is, what is it, and do your plants need a cuppa? Compost tea is the liquid version of healthy, finished compost. It contains fungi, nematodes, microarthropods and other soil beneficiaries. Some gardeners swear by it, saying it’s like an extra-strength version of compost. There are many ways to make compost tea, but here’s one: Put fresh compost into a bucket, fill it with water, leave it for five days and then strain through a fine mesh sieve.

BANANA PEEL TEA: Similar to compost tea, banana peel tea is the liquid form of decomposed banana peel. It works because the peels are full of tons of nutrients. The first and most well-known is potassium, which plants need for a strong root system. They also contain phosphorous, calcium and magnesium, which all greatly benefit plant growth. You can make banana peel tea by filling a large mason jar full of banana peels and water, then letting it age in your fridge. After a few weeks, strain it. Apply it diluted at about one cup per gallon of water to your plants.

WORM POWER LIQUID EXTRACT: Another great compost “tea” to add to your garden is our Worm Power Liquid Extract. It’s made through a process called vermicomposting, which is when worms break down composted manure. What’s left is worm waste, otherwise known as worm castings. It’s full of microbial life that’s incredibly beneficial to the soil’s ecosystem, and both university and field studies have seen stronger root systems, healthier plants and larger yields than plants not treated with worm castings. We’ve seen the success of this method for years!

What do you apply to your organic garden to improve soil health? Have you seen success? Connect with us on social media or send us an email at if you want to chat about specific crops. Happy growing!